Biolife 20 SL
Product Name
(Citric Acid limonoids and Organic Acid)
DISEASES: Foliar and Soil Bacteria, Fungaland Viral
Diseases: Erwinia sp, Xanthomonas, Mildews, Rhizoctonia, DampingOff, Virus Etc
BIOLIFE 20 SL is a broad-spectrum systemic bactericide and fungicide with preventive and curative action based on an organic acid complex specially formulated for the prevention and control of diseases caused by bacteria and fungi.
It also reduces the effects caused by insect-borne viruses in different agricultural crops.
Mode of Action
Application Rate
Foliar and Soil
1 – 4 tsp/gal
Pre-Harvest Interval
What is BIOLIFE 20 SL
BIOLIFE 20 SL is a Biological Origen Fungicide, Bactericide and Viricide with broad control in diseases caused by pathogens like bacteria, fungi and virus.
BIOLIFE 20 SL is approved for use in Organic Cropping.
BIOLIFE 20 SL is a mixture of organic compounds derived from natural organic acids combined with natural compounds sucha as ascorbic acid and citrus seed extract.
BIOLIFE 20 SL is a new tool available for Pest Management Programs in many crops such as banana, plantain, ornamentals, cucurbits, coffee, tobacco, melons, tomatoes, onion, garlic, pepper, lettuce, cucumber, watermelons, avocados, fruits, etc.
BIOLIFE 20 SL is another tool available for Post Harvest Treatment for Export Pest Management Programs in many crops.
Mechanism of Control of BIOLIFE 20 SL
BIOLIFE 20 SL is a systemic product that can be absorbed via roots and foliage and effectible preventing and controlling diseases caused by pathogens such as bacteria, fungi and viruses.
BIOLIFE 20 SL causes the rupture of the pathogens cell membrane resulting in broken chain of polysaccharide that are endo-elicitors (substances of biotic origin which induce a defense response) increasing the presence of phytoalexines (antibiotics produced by plants that are under attacks) improving the plant resistance.
Þ BIOLIFE 20 SL systemically acts as exo-elicitors, helping the bio-synthesis and production of phytoalexines.
Composition of BIOLIFE 20 SL
The active ingredients of BIOLIFE 20% SL are among others: Lactic Acid, Citric Acid, Ascorbic acid, etc.
Recommended Rates (Pre-harvest)
- Preventive Rates:
The recommended rate of BIOLIFE 20% SL is 0.75 to 1.5 liter per hectare in enough spray solution to properly treat and cover the crops. The cycles of applications will depend of the climatic conditions. - Curative Rates:
The recommended rate of BIOLIFE 20% SL is 1.0 to 1.5 liter per hectare in enough spray solution to properly treat and cover the crops. The cycles of applications (2-3) will depend of the climatic conditions and the level of infestation of pathogens. - Note:
BIOLIFE 20% SL, can be used to treat the crop up to the last day of harvesting, without problem of residues.
Rates (Post-Harvest)
- BIOLIFE 20 SL is another tool to treat post-harvest before shipment of export crops such as banana, melons, avocado, etc.
- Rates:
To prevent infection of Postharvest Pathogens (Bacteria and Fungal) in export crops is 2ml to 3ml of BIOLIFE 20% SL per liter of solution (water).
BIOLIFE 20% SL is compatible with most of pesticides. When in doubt do make compatibility studies with the desired pesticides.
Over 10 years of use of BIOLIFE 20% SL no plant toxicity has been reported.
Performance and water quality
To improve the performance of BIOLIFE 20 SL, it is recommended to add first to the tank PH-PLUS to improve water quality (to reduce pH and hard water) and XENIC to improve the distribution and absorption of the spray by the foliage of plants.
Crops : banana, plantain, ornamentals, cucurbits, coffee, tobacco, melons, tomatoes, onion, garlic, pepper, lettuce, cucumber, avocados, fruits, etc.
Erwinia spp. Agrobactirium spp Pseudomonas spp, Xanthomonas spp, Corynebacterium sp ,Damping offMildeu (Erysiphe spp), Oidio (Sphaeroteca sp), Botrytis spp, Antracnosis (Colletotrichum), Cercospora spp, Septoria spp, Sigatoka: Mycosphaerella spp, Sclerotinia spp, Rhizoctonia spp, Rosellinia spp, Fusarium spp, Phytophthora spp, Alternaria spp, Viruses, etc.
Bacteria: Erwinia spp, Pseudomonas spp Xanthomonas spp, Fungal: Rhizopus sp, Phytophthora, Alternaria spp, Stemphyllium spp, Corynespora , Phoma, Colletotrichum sp, Fusarium spp, Verticillum spp
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